Introducing Beautype! A simple script font complementary with ligature and lowercase stylistic set.
Beautype script font is a simple and classy font, opentype features such as stylistic set, and ligatures. We keep this font looks simple, classy, readable, stylish, catchy, and easy to use. The Beautype Script Font is the great choice for watermark on photography, quotes, business card, and many other design project. From business cards to photo watermarks.
Highlights: A beautifully simple fonts in $13 deal. Add more style to each font with OpenType Features - lowercase stylistic set (ss) and ligatures. The simple font choice for powerful projects - watermarks, photography, logos, business cards, quotes, album covers. Standard license - create as use as many of these fonts as you'd like on your own personal projects as well as any commercial ones for clients. The Beautype is a PUA encoded font - it may be used in almost any program by using your Operating System’s utilities (CharacterMap for Windows and Font Book for Mac.), as well as Illustrator, Photoshop CC 2017 and several other applications. Multilingual support - spread your message globally AÀÁÂÃÄÅCÇDÐEÈÉÊËIÌÍÎÏNÑOØÒÓÔÕÖUÙÜÚÛWYÝŸ?ŸÆŒßÞþ
What is include:
- Beautype (Ttf)
- Standard Ligature
- Lowercase stylistic set (ss)
How to access alternate glyphs? you can see it on this link ( http://goo.gl/1vy2fv)
I hope you enjoy this font. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to drop me a message :)